Sunday, August 21, 2016

Scouting Magic

Day 137 - August 20 (Happy 60th and congrats to Joyce and Joe!)
Mile: 2163.7 to 2183.2 (19.5)
up/down: 4700/4000

It took all day but we finally gained a little elevation hoping to get out of the stifling heat. It didn't help. Up and down we trod climbing high only to drop back down. By afternoon we were back at only 800 feet after having been as high as 3000. We did have many water sources all day until we really needed it most, then we finished the day in the middle of a 11 mile waterless stretch and another dry camp. We walked through lots more forest with only occasional glimpses of scenery.

But the magic today was actually the human kind. As we approached the 16 mile mark and our last water at Panther Creek we found a scout troop with goodies including soda, ice cream and popsicles. Then they invited us and a few other hikers to dinner and we were hooked. 


They treated us like royalty and fed us like kings. Diner was Indian curry with fresh flatbread. It was incredible. Pie and watermelon for desert topped it off. 

All this was done by the 55th Cascadia Scouts out of Portland, of the Baden-Powel Service Association. The BPSA is nationwide alternative to Boy Scouts that is coed and all inclusive. They were a fantastic group and fun to visit with for a couple hours. A huge thanks for making us all feel so welcome and feeding us until we nearly burst.

After dinner we walked it off with a 4 mile and 2000 foot climb in 90F heat. Ugh. Tomorrow is supposed to be cooler, let's hope. 


  1. Well, what a wonderful surprise for you. Good people to meet and talk with, good food for your body and soul and a break from the heated trek. How super nice of this group.

  2. It was so great to meet you! I look forward to following the rest of your journey on the blog! - Assistant Scoutmaster JJ

  3. Wow...Indian Curry in the middle of the forest served up by scouts, who could of dreamed this one!
