About us

Bob and Susan left the Great Basin after graduating engineering college at Utah State University in 1983 to work at the Navy weapons development laboratory in China Lake, CA.  30+ years later they are birding, hiking, and backpacking the Kern County desert and Sierra Nevada Mountains.  In 2007 they made a lifestyle change to focus more on the outdoors and spend more time along beautiful Bishop Creek giving them instant access to the incredible Sierra Nevada high country.   2016 will be the year they transition from full time working for a paycheck to full time adventuring - be it chasing birds in a foreign country, hiking a trail in the Sierra, or thru-hiking a continuous footpath from Mexico to Canada!

Susan (Hummingbird)

Susan is consumed with feathers and mountains.  She is an expert birder with numerous county and state records to her name. When not finding or chasing a rarity, she can also be found traveling the backcountry mountains, but always with binoculars around her neck.

Bob (Kingbird)

In addition to chasing Susan through the mountains with a pack on, Bob is a professional bird photographer with many book and publication credits to his name.  See his bird photos at - www.bobsteelephoto.com

1 comment:

  1. OK, I'm getting withdrawal from not having seen a recent post. Y'all OK?
