Saturday, December 30, 2017

Scattered Bones Peak

Hike track link
ebird list

Back in April we managed to reach the high point of the north end  Haiwee Ridge which is locally called Jurassic Peak.  See blog post here for the Jurassic Peak hike.  It was a flower filled day, but with all our false starts we didn't have time to get to Scattered Bones. 

We finally decided the time had come to try Scattered Bones Peak, the high point on the south end of Haiwee Ridge.  It is a cool name and there are actually bones scattered around on the peak.  Coincidence?  Who knows.

This time we decided to approach it from the west side to avoid the long drive around to Cactus Flat, the normal approach for hiking this ridge.  This took a bit of time trying to figure out what is public land vs. private LADWP land, but eventually we were headed up a ridge to the southwest that looked like it might lead to the peak.  And it did.  Via a series of gullies and ridges we finally reached the summit.  

The ridge leading to Scattered Bones Peak

Scattered Bones with Jurassic in the background

A 'scattered bone'

The view east

The view west including Haiwee Reservoir and Olancha Peak

The view south

1 comment:

  1. What a clear day for your long shot down Haiwee. Perfection of a view.
    You are in the area that I figured out is in a car commercial where there is a fly-over of this rocky lava area. Sweet.
    Good bones and plants.
