Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Panamint City In a Day

Hike Track Link

Panamint City is a ghost town in the Panamint Mountains, at the west edge of Death Valley National Park. It was founded as a silver and copper mining town in the 1870's and peaked at a population nearing 2000 individuals. A graded road led to the town up until it was washed away to bedrock in a major series of thunder storms in 1983. Now Surprise Canyon, which leads to the town, is only passable on foot from near the Panamint Valley floor at 2,600 feet elevation, to the town 6+ miles up canyon at 6,300 feet. It is not an easy hike - there are slippery waterfalls and much overgrown brush to contend with. Most hikers backpack in and spend the night after the strenuous hike up the canyon. But we are not most hikers and decided to bag this one in a day. Our friends Dan and Amy, Shawn and Gina, and Brian all made the trip to join us in our foolishness.

There were a few birds about during our hike, including a few Woodhouse's Scrub-Jays and a vagrant White-throated Sparrow just upstream from where we parked. 

eBird Checklist

The mouth of the canyon in early morning light (dark)

The first waterfall climbs come quickly after starting up the canyon

This was engraved into a rock at one waterfall. We tend to agree.

Brian ascends a trick slope next to the water. It's hard to believe there was ever a road in this canyon passable by a regular car!

Panamint Valley far below

A wild burro (or inexperienced hiker, it's always hard to tell) who met his fate here

It takes a long time for the sun to reach these deep canyons at this time of year

We finally reach open country about half way up the canyon. From here it is straight forward hiking up the steep canyon

Panamint City sits below the crest of the Panamint Mountains ahead

A side canyon - Sourdough, also was busy with mining activities

Panamint City with a few remaining buildings. The famous smoke stack from the brick kiln is still standing

There are ancient (and not so ancient) pictographs on rocks in the area

This building is fondly called "The Panamint Hilton." There is still private property in the area
(within Death Valley N.P.). 

Shawn and Gina pose inside The Panamint Hilton. It's obvious that much care is taken in maintaining some of the remaining structures.

Custom Snowshoes

The Panamint Mountains crest

"The Castle," in Sourdough Canyon is well cared for

Heading back down canyon we pass one of two very active springs. At this one there was once a real brewery

Thankfully the local burro population keeps the "trails" somewhat open. Susan tells me that during her last visit here 10 years ago these overgrown spots were nearly impassible. 

Susan descends a particularly tricky bit

A bat just hanging out
No shortage of old vehicles and junk in the canyon

Near our cars again, another mining structure
With a little internet searching, there is much excellent information on the history of Panamint City. Here are just a few:


Sean Goebel's excellent photos and descriptions of the city

Death Valley Adventures

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