Friday, August 4, 2017

Grunion Plateau

Hike track link

Bob and I headed up to the Grunion Plateau.  We really wanted to see the water over the spillway at South Lake and then we came up with a hike to justify the drive. 

A mile of pipeline walking tests our balance as we start the hike.  We both did fine.  Then past Brown and Green Lakes, which are nice and have flowers, but not spectacular mountains around them, then a final ridge to climb and we were on the top.  I was expecting glorious flowers from all the snow of last winter, but it was long gone, and the plateau was already scorched by the sun into a sea of brown. 

Brown Lake

Green Lake

Green Lake

And it was too early to have lunch.  What to do?  Bob suggested climbing Peak 12406.  Up we went.  We treated ourselves to views of Thunder and Lightning Lake, Baker and Hidden Lakes, Cloudripper, and Two Eagle Peaks.  Along with the views we enjoyed the flowers and our lunch.


The Huntchback.  On our list of  things to do on a smoke free day.

Thunder and Lightening Lake and Cloudripper

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