Thursday, March 11, 2021

Red Rock

We managed to do three hikes in Red Rock Canyon State Park this spring.  Yes, I know the calendar is still in winter, but spring comes early to Red Rock and on our last hike we were eating lunch in the shade or we would have cooked.  It was lovely each time with such fabulous rock formations.  We even think we might have stumbled upon fossilized foot prints.  That might be possible as UC Berkley states that "Red Rock Canyon State Park contains the most complete fossil record of vertebrates in North America of Clarendonian age and as such, can be considered one of the most important late Miocene localities in North America."  Berkley fossil  More on Red Rock fossils can be found here Red Rock Fossils

For those wanting to learn a bit about the geology of the area, this field trip booklet, while dated, is interesting Field trip booklet

Yes, that is Bob McG up on that outcrop.

Georgette and Libby enjoying the day.

Bill in the narrows.

Kitty works her way out of the slot.

Look closely and you can see Bob in the slot.

More tricky spots.

The pondering ape.

Foot prints?  

Bill, Bill, Kitty and Bob.
